We grew up in wonderful homes where our parents, like the previous generations before them, did their best with the information they had. Like most of the population, the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) and traditional western medical philosophy were used to address health needs. Growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, over the counter medicines, pharmaceuticals, and processed foods were a staple in our homes, along with the vast majority of households across the nation.
As we started having children in the 90’s, ear infections, respiratory issues, and other childhood illnesses were the norm and were dealt with using conventional medical treatments of OTC’s, and antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals. By the time our oldest became a teenager she suffered with migraines, digestive issues, food sensitivities, and hormonal imbalances. She firmly began rejecting these treatments, which weren’t helping her anyways. This served to create a crack in the belief system that had been ingrained in us from faulty science “healthcare” practices that had been a way of life for over a hundred years.
Additionally, the health issues of the rest of the family were slowly becoming more clear. Our visits to the doctors and the administering of pharmaceuticals to manage the symptoms of our auto-immune disorders, heart disease, migraines, digestive issues, depression and anxiety (just to name a few), which we considered were “normal way of life” ailments, were no longer working. This “band-aid effect” healthcare served only to compound our ailments, with the side-effects from the treatments adding to and becoming a major cause of our “dis-ease”. Our bodies (especially Katie’s) were literally shutting down. Our biological age was increasing at a much faster rate than our chronological age.
All of this led us to seek out a different pathway. In reality, we would call it a paradigm-shift. We came to understand that instead of just managing symptoms and disease, we could feed our bodies in a way that would turn on the natural healing processes that the Good Lord created us with! In the nutritionally deficient and toxic environment that we live in it is vital for us to use naturally created solutions as a primary food to create this healing affect.
Has this been an easy or convenient transition for our family? NO WAY! Amidst the wins the first ten years of this almost 20-year healing journey were filled with trial and error, as we learned to navigate our way through this new way of life. We can safely say that initially Eric (and others, aka teenagers) came “kicking and screaming” down the path! However, as adjustments to the nutrition and therapies were tested and implemented, with lots of time and consistency, we recognized the tangible benefits that we were receiving.
About six or seven years ago Katie began to correlate the link between gut health and brain health. In 2017 the relatively new science about the Gut-Brain Axis was introduced to us through a new company called Amare. We began to better understand how the Gut-Brain Axis (GBX) is fundamental to the body’s healing hardwiring. As we focused on the body’s internal healing mechanism, the “body’s engine”, aka the GBX, our healing process really ramped up. We see miracles daily in our family, as our spiritual, physical, and mental resilience continues to increase! The third generation of our family has learned an entirely different way of living, and there is a drastic difference in the health and well-being of our grandchildren compared to that of our children. We consider this a major win!!!
For 24 years Eric has had the privilege to work in the hospital environment as a non-clinician. He has seen amazing efforts and results from the incredible care of clinicians and physicians. He has also been able to see the downside to traditional western medicine which has created more of a “sick care” system than a “health care” system. The current “sick care” system focuses on reactively managing sickness and the consequences of poor lifestyle choices. Results have included the opioid epidemic, accelerated mental health issues, revolving patient care, and sky-rocketing health expenses. We have come to believe that the answer is transitioning to a true, proactive “health care” system where natural remedies and therapies become the primary source of care in order to turn on the body’s hardwired ability to heal. With today’s science and technology, this capability is in greater reach than it ever has been before!
We believe that what we have learned and continue to learn through study, experience, and observation can help others as they make choices in their healing journey. We hope that you will find information here with us that will benefit you and those you love!